Thursday, September 5, 2013


Hi! Welcome to my blog! I'm Michele.
I have never blogged before but I'm very excited to use this as a forum for learning and sharing my knowledge! I have been teaching Early Start for over 24 years. I love the kids! Everyday I learn from them as they are learning from me. And in all these years, I've learned that the old saying is true... Children say the darnedest thing!!!


  1. I have never had to blog neither and I also enjoyed it. Is early start something like head start?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. No its very different. Early start has two half day sessions and I think head start children they take naps and it's all day with the same children.

  2. Hello Michele,

    I also really enjoy learning from the children. Each day is such an exciting adventure and I get excited learning right along side of them every day. I just learned how to use a blog about 6 months ago and I have come to really enjoy it. I am thinking about starting a blog for my classroom so families can check-in on what we are learning about for the week!

    1. I have been thinking of doing the same for my families.
